Photonic Sensors and Systems for the Optical Characterization of Materials
25.03.2025 • Karlsruhe • Germany
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The SpectroNet Collaboration Conference 2025 is an international conference which is scientifically as well as technically oriented and presents the latest developments and trends for Photonics & Machine Vision.
Well-known experts from leading companies and research institutions will give methodical, scientifical, technical and social insights on their latest developments in photonic measurement engineering for quality assurance for the optical characterization of materials.
This year's conference is held in collaboraton with the 7th International Conference on Optical Characterization of Materials (OCM) which will follow up from 26.-27.03.2025.
March 25 2025
1 Day
Karlsruhe, Germany
Fraunhofer IOSB
24 Presentations
3 Session
& Meet-ups
What to Expect
Top-class agenda with leading experts
Presentations about hot topics & future technologies
Interactive discussions about current trends in photonics & machine vision
International networking possibilities
Promotion & awareness for your company
Connecting to high-level business partners
Interactive hands-on exhibition
Online access to the conference presentations
Registered Participants SCC 2025

Supporting & Enhancing Collaboration
Since 2008, SpectroNet has been committed to fostering collaboration in the field of Photonics & Machine Vision. With over 35 successful conferences, we have provided a platform for managers, researchers, developers, and industry professionals to come together, drive innovation, and shape the industry's future.
08:30 - 09:15 Registration @ Conference Venue
Session 0: Welcome Address from the Organizers
0A 09:15- 09:20
Welcome Address by Fraunhofer IOSB
Prof. Dr. Thomas Längle - Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung (IOSB)
0B 09:20- 09:25
Welcome Address by KCM
Henning Schulte - Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung (IOSB)
0C 09:25- 09:30
Welcome Address by SpectroNet International Collaboration Cluster Jena
Dr. Paul-Gerald Dittrich - SpectroNet
Session 1: Photonic Components
for Optical Characterization of Materials
Presentation 12 min + 3 min Q&A
01 09:30- 09:45
Laser Sources for Aluminum Sorting by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Dr. Torsten Ledig, AMS Technologies AG
02 09:45- 10:00
Trilinear, Prism, or Grating? Choosing the best line scan sensor for material characterization
Oliver Barz, JAI A/S
03 10:00- 10:15
Advanced Sensing with LUCID’s Latest SWIR and UV Cameras
Torsten Wiesinger, LUCID Vision Labs GmbH
04 10:15- 10:30
Applications of monolithic spectral sensors
Sven Schönfelder, Insion GmbH
05 10:30- 10:45
Linear Variable Filters to be used on a Mars Rover (2028)
Ian Reilly, Vortex Optical Coatings Ltd
06 10:45- 11:00
PARMS-Enabled Breakthroughs in Advanced Optical Filter Design
Dr. Oliver Pust, Delta Optical Thin Film A/S
07 11:00- 11:15
Modular Spectral Imaging: Tailoring Technology to Your Needs
Stefano Guerrieri, ams OSRAM
08 11:15- 11:30
On-chip spectral imaging technology
Olympia Gennadi, IMEC
09 11:30- 11:45
Bridging the Gap: Partnering for Innovation in Spectral Detection
Prof. Dr. Robert Brunner, University of Applied Sciences Jena
11:45 - 13:00
Lunch (in parallel Industrial Exhibition)
Session 2: Photonic Systems
for Optical Characterization of Materials
Presentation 12 min + 3 min Q&A
10 13:00- 13:15
High Speed Computational Imaging
Michael Stelzl, MSTVision GmbH
11 13:15- 13:30
Next generation hyperspectral imaging technology in the SWIR range
Tobias Kreklow, HAIP Solutions GmbH
12 13:30- 13:45
AI-based surface anomaly detection with unique solino® technology
Dr. Daniel Kraus, Opto GmbH
13 13:45- 14:00
Answers given by spectral optical measurements on properties of tissues and material compositions
Henning Völlm, Gigahertz Optik GmbH
14 14:00- 14:15
Broadband multispectral photonic system for industrial applications
Dr. Maik Rosenberger, Technische Universität Ilmenau
15 14:15- 14:30
Enhanced LIDT Analysis: Advancing Optical Component Testing
Madeleine Eitner, Fraunhofer IOSB
16 14:30- 14:45
Multispectral applications
Dick Goudriaan, PureSpectra Ltd
17 14:45- 15:00
Multimodal imaging systems for optical characterization of complex objects and scenes in industry and daily life
Dr. Paul-Gerald Dittrich, Fraunhofer IOF
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee Break (in parallel Industrial Exhibition)
Session 3: New Developments
for the Optical Characterization of Materials
Presentation 12 min + 3 min Q&A
18 15:30- 15:45
Enhancing sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio of hyperspectral cameras and spectrometers with ultra-black absorbing coatings
Alexander Telle, Acktar (ACM Coatings GmbH)
19 15:45- 16:00
The sensor technology of tomorrow with the help of innovation funding
Dr. Karl Stock, EurA AG
20 16:00- 16:15
Detection of external features on the leaves and bark of young trees
Sascha Lummitsch, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, holz-21-regio
21 16:15- 16:30
Application of AI-assisted methods for the evaluation of metallographic images
Dr. Thomas Schroeter, Günter-Köhler-Institut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung GmbH (ifw Jena)
22 16:30- 16:45
Multimodal forest road acquisition system "CONTURA"
Raik Illmann, Technische Universität Ilmenau
23 16:45- 17:00
Pushing the Limits: High-Speed Machine Vision for Photonics & Optical Material Characterization
Thomas Detjen, Emergent Vision Technologies GmbH
24 17:00- 17:15
FLIMera: New Fluorescence Lifetime Camera for Macroscale Applications
Dr. Harald Kroker, HORIBA Jobin Yvon GmbH
25 17:15- 17:30
Future collaboration in the fields of photonics and machine vision within the SpectroNet cluster
Dr. Paul-Gerald Dittrich - SpectroNet
End of the Conference
Exhibition Stand

Take the chance to present your products and services at the SCC. The exhibition will take place directly in the conference room or in the foyer of the conference venue. The fee for an exhibition stand is 250 EUR plus 19% VAT. Every exhibitor stand has a size of approx. 120 × 50 cm and is equipped with a separate power supply. The number of stands is limited due to space reasons. Therefore, book your booth directly during the conference registration.
Selection of exhibitor stands from past SCC's
Registered Exhibitors

Become a Partner of the Conference
Please contact us for further information or sign up here: Sponsoring
Gold package
Free provision of an exhibition stand (large)
Free participation of up to 3 employees in the entire conference
Welcome speech to the opening of the conference (5 minutes)
12-minute technical lecture
Publication in SpectroNet newsletter, website news & social media channels
Your company logo on the conference website
Your company logo printed on the conference agenda, certificates & badges
Your company logo on the slides during the lunch & coffee breaks
Publication in the “Letter of Thanks” after the conference
Silver package
Free provision of an exhibition stand (small)
Free participation of up to 2 employees in the entire conference
12-minute technical lecture
Publication in SpectroNet newsletter, website news & social media channels
Your company logo on the conference website
Your company logo on the slides during the lunch & coffee breaks
Publication in the “Letter of Thanks” after the conference
Bronze package
Free participation of 1 employee in the entire conference
12-minute technical lecture
Publication in SpectroNet newsletter, website news & social media channels
Your company logo on the conference website
Your company logo on the slides during the lunch & coffee breaks
Publication in the “Letter of Thanks” after the conference
conference Pricing
Participation fees
275 EUR plus VAT 19% (Regular)
225 EUR plus VAT 19% (Members of SpectroNet)
175 EUR plus VAT 19% (Speakers)
free for Students and Press
The participation fee includes:
personal certificate for your participation at the Collaboration Conference
food and beverages at the Collaboration Conference
online access to the Collaboration Conference publications - e-papers - hd-videos
free access to the exhibition for participants of the Collaboration Conference
Exhibition Stand 250 EUR plus VAT 19%
If you cancel your conference attendance - in writing only - before March 15, 2025, 100 EUR plus VAT 19% will be withheld. After March 15, 2025, a refund of the registration fee is no longer possible. Naming a replacement participant is always possible.