Quantum Optics Jena Gmbh

Quantum Optics Jena GmbH
Moritz-von-Rohr-Straße 1a, 07745 Jena, Germany
+49 3641 2251463
About US
We are a team of passionate engineers, physicists, computer scientists and business developers.
We believe that quantum technology allows us to achieve more: more confidence in data security via quantum communication; more insights into matter and biology via imaging and sensing; more information processing capacity in quantum computing and machine learning.
Our goal is to be part of the upcoming quantum revolution and deliver customized advanced photon sources and quantum optical systems. Building on decades of research experience at renowned quantum science institutes as well as the multi-faceted interface between applied science and industry in the fields of precision optics, mechanics and opto-electronics, we are looking forward providing innovative quantum optical solutions with outstanding performance for secure communication, as well as biomedical imaging and the scientific community.

Miniaturized Entangled Photon Source – HDv0.1
The first version of the HD product line will be a miniaturized polarization entangled photon source with more than one million entangled photon pairs at ~780 nm and ~840 nm wavelength. The plug & play compatible design will have a fidelity above 97% and a footprint of approximately 10 cm x 8 cm. Customized solutions with other wavelengths are available upon request.

Solutions for Space – Space EPS
As one of our core products we offer space-tested light sources for the generation of entangled photons. Based on a Sagnac interferometer design, our sources will deliver polarization entangled photons with a rate of up to ten million photon pairs per second at wavelengths of ~780 nm and ~840 nm. The the state fidelity will be in the range of 97% till 99%.
Dr. Kevin Füchsel

Moritz-von-Rohr-Straße 1a,
07745 Jena, Germany
+49 3641 2251463